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CO2 Geological storage in siliciclastic reservoirs: new trends and technologies
27 junho, 2024-09:00 - 17:00
Workshop – CO2 Geological Storage in Siliciclastic Reservoirs: new trends and technologies
27 junho 2024
9h00 às 17h00
Sala T001 do IEE/USP – Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 1289 – Cidade Universitária, Butantã, São Paulo
Promoted by the FAPESP/UKRI – NERC Project: 2022/02416-9
Cooperation Agreement FAPESP/UKRI – UK Research and Innovarion / NERC – Natural Environment Research Council – UKRI – NERC (UK)
Enhancing Hydro-Mechanical Predictions of CO2-Reactive Storage Reservoirs from Geophysical MOnitoring (EHMPRES)
Estudo das caracterísiticas geoquímicas e hidromecânicas de reservatórios geológicos siliciclásticos de CO2 a partir de monitoramento geofísico dos processos de interação de fluidos ricos em CO2 com rochas (EHMPRES).
Net zero carbon emission technologies are essential to meet Paris agreement targets, including Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) schemes. This workshop will address the present and the future of underground CO2 storage from a multiscale and multidisciplinary viewpoint, internationally. We will share options from industry and academia to explore crucial areas of investigation and potential collaborations to efficiently contribute to achieving the energy transition objectives.
09h00 – Opening
09h15 – Joint elastic-electrical-transport monitoring at the laboratory scale for hydro-chemo-mechanical assessment of underground gas (H2, CO2) storage reservoirs
Ismael H. Falcon Suarez, NOC
10h00 – coffee break
10h15 – The role of CO2 geological storage in the Safe Energetic Transition: importance of saline aquifers and oil and gas depleted fields
Colombo Celso Gaeta Tassinari, USP
11h00 – Insights on CO2, mineralization through advanced synchrotron techniques and novel molecular modeling
Caetano M. Rodrigues, USP
12h00 – lunch
14h00 – Influence of clay on siliciclastic reservoir quality and on CO2, rock-interaction
Lucy Gomes Sant’Anna, USP
14h40 – Assessment of CO2 storage capacity in sandstone reservoirs: evaluation criteria and methodologies
Mariana Ciotta, USP
15h15 – coffee break
15h30 – Wireline log-based geographycal-derived parameters in sedimentary rocks: implication for fluid mobility and storage
Richardson M. Abraham, USP
16h10 – Techniques and methodologies for characterizing geological CP2 reservoirs: potential analysis for CO2 storage in sandstones
Isabella Miranda, USP
16h50 – Closure session